About Christian Science
- Our church and our religious views
- JSH-Online, a portal for lively discussions, articles on timely topics, shop for music and books, multiple language resources
- Christian Science publications and activities, including Live Webcasts and the online weekly Sentinel Watch Radio program
- Online Sunday and Wednesday evening services
- The discoverer of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy
- For youth, and youthful thinkers
Local/Regional Christian Science Resources
- Find a Christian Science Lecture Near You
- Area Christian Science Churches, Societies and Reading Rooms
- Christian Science Practitioners assist those who are seeking prayer-based solutions to their problems. You do not need to be a Christian Scientist or attend church to ask them for help.
- Bellingham practitioners:
- Ruth Geyer, CSB (also an authorized teacher of Christian Science):
360.224.6316, ruthgeyer@comcast.net
Website: www.ruthgeyer.com
- Ruth Geyer, CSB (also an authorized teacher of Christian Science):
- Christian Science College/University Organizations in the Pacific Northwest, and around the world
- CSWashington.com - Christian Science-related information and activities in the state of Washington
- Christian Science Reading Room - Metropolitan Seattle
- Bellingham practitioners:
Other Useful Resources on Christian Science
- How to find a Christian Science church, reading room, practitioner or nurse anywhere in the world
- The Christian Science Committee on Publication - For the press, or other institutions or organizations that have questions about Christian Science
- Christian Science Committee on Publication for Washington State
- Christian Science Summer Camp - Bow Isle, British Columbia, Canada